GAS documentation

The GAS package provides a full data reduction pipeline of the data obtained by the GouldBelt Ammonia Survey (GAS) using the Green Bank Telescope.

It provides a uniform framework to reduce each region observed in a consistent fashion. At the moment, the GAS pipeline does the following:

  • It runs the official calibration pipeline from GBT ( on the raw data. This is done through an wrapper.
  • Each spectral window and region (as defined in the observing log) are stored in a different directory.
  • The imaging is done with our gridder, which generates a data cube using all the observations for a given window.
  • A first look functionality. This allows for a quick look of the data, useful for quality assesment.
  • Line fitting for all data is done using pyspeckit. In the case of NH3 the proper hyperfine model is used, while for the other lines a single Gaussian model is used.